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If you're like most of us,

you want help moving forward,

and whether that’s to get out of the hole you’ve fallen into,

or beyond the plateau you’ve reached, 

that is exactly what I do.


What I offer you is 

not the usual “do something, even if it doesn’t work,

because it’s better than doing nothing”.

Using a combination of intuition and science,

you get the best of both worlds.


What I've learned from the many clients

I've worked with over 18 years,

is that most of the time the questions you're asking

aren't the ones standing in your way. 


And when you stop getting distracted by the small stuff,

you suddenly have more freedom in all aspects of your life. 


When you work with me,

you'll begin to see the power that you have,

that you’d forgotten about, or given away, and 

you will learn to shine it with a laser focus on the right spots,

so you don’t waste your time. 


Trust me, you CAN do this. 


Let me explain how.

How I Work

Bringing together a wide-ranging set of tools,

you get the best of  conventional, integrative and alternative

strategies and techniques.

Image by Ine Carriquiry


There is an amazing plethora of new science being generated to help us live healthier and happier lives.


The problem is that most of it takes about 20 years to trickle down the conventional medical system.


Meanwhile, sensationalist headlines misinterpret research on a daily basis, creating even more confusion.


I'll do the work of curating the best information available so you have access to cutting edge research from established medical journals and wellness leaders. 


This empowers you to explore specific wellness changes knowing they're supported by the latest discoveries.


Image by Andrew Ridley


This field exploded in the last 20 years.


So much so that many people are overwhelmed by the disparate, and often overwhelming, advice on how to improve your life and solve your problems.


The work I do is eclectic, meaning you'll get everything from:


traditional coaching and counseling techniques, to

-EFT (emotional freedom technique) and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), to

- energy-based and intuitive tools.


This novel combination gives you access to a process that is simple, direct and effective in achieving personal growth.

Image by Pascal Meier


The key to making change that helps you thrive is understanding that you are unique on all levels.


This includes your biochemistry, epigenetics, life history, personality and more.


Because of this, what works for others may not work for you. In science, we call it n=1.


And you are that 1.


We'll determine what DOES work for you by a creating a working hypothesis that you'll test via different strategies and techniques. What works, stays; what doesn't is adjusted.


By actively experimenting and revising, you get better results that are far more sustainable...faster.  

The Leap


This is the missing piece for most people.


So often we know what we "should" being doing, but just don't to do it.


Or we give up when we have failed yet again.


Some people are naturally resilient, but most of us have to learn to apply this skill.


And that's the great news.



- getting up when you've failed so many times before -

is something that can be learned.


Developing a growth mindset helps you achieve lifelong goals,  replacing fear with freedom along the way.


What to Expect



Working with me will start you on a new and exciting phase of your life.


Breakthroughs will come in two shapes and sizes -

the first are the big, quick "ahas" that result from a personal growth insight, dietary tweak, or much needed supplement.


The second kind of breakthroughs are slower, surer, and

cement the earlier progress firmly into place.


These shifts guarantee your work will hold long after we've finished.


Intuitive Life Coaching:


To join me on this journey requires courage and vulnerability.


We're going to stir up that skeleton closet, and bring things preferably forgotten to the surface.


But trust me, you won't be stuck reliving old pain.


Instead you'll gain new perspectives, as old wounds take their rightful place as part of your history and nothing more.


And yes, you'll be uncomfortable during that process. But you'll be excited to discover that it's really okay, because you won't get stuck there anymore.


The payoff is incredible - You'll come to know yourself,

trust yourself and truly accept yourself. 


Life becomes much easier when you're your own best friend!


During our sessions, I'll guide you through

understanding into techniques that shift your experience.


You'll also get "homework" to do in your daily life; this helps you develop skills for resilience and clarity. Nothing too time consuming, but critical to making long term change happen.


Wellness Concierge:


To join me on this journey requires curiosity and dedication.


You may need to throw out old ideas about the perfect diet. And you'll confront beliefs others carry about what you should eat too.


But by listening to your body instead of adhering to dogma and opinions,

you'll learn what your body wants and needs to function optimally. 


We'll begin focusing on food and supplements, followed by sleep and exercise. 


We limit the number of interventions at one time, so it becomes

clear what your body truly thrives on.


The payoff is incredible - You'll know what your body needs and trust your body is supporting you, while feeling vibrant, energetic and healthy!


During our sessions, we'll explore symptom profiles, previous diagnoses, health history, food reactions, and more. We'll create a dietary program individualized for you, including supplements to address deficiencies, toxicity, hormone imbalance, and more.


You'll experiment with these between our consults and report back,

so we can further refine our approach.


And if you have patterns of self-sabotage with food,

or disordered eating, we'll use intuitive life coaching to clean that up.


Whether you're looking for Intuitive Life Coaching or a Wellness Concierge: 


I promise you will be


challenged, supported and inspired.


I will give you clarity with compassion, or a bit of brow-beating,

depending on what's called for.


And ultimately, you won't have to do it alone anymore.


Optimism is my middle name and I won't give up on you!


Who I Work With


I've worked with Fortune 500 executives, famous movie stars, scientists, lawyers, psychologists, stay-at-home moms, yoga instructors, acupuncturists, medical doctors, realtors, preachers and more.


Both women and men are my clients, as are everyone from 

teenagers to those in their golden years.


Regardless of age, gender or career, I've noticed three

general categories of people that I work with:



THE SUCCESSFUL - These folks are already successful in many parts of their lives. Maybe they've got a great job and marriage, but are struggling with health and friendships. Or maybe their job has been great for many years, but now they're feeling the need to move in a different direction. 


In any of those scenarios, I'm working with someone who knows how to be successful as part of a general mindset. What's usually lacking is something outside their area of expertise. That's exactly what I can supply so they continue growing and we can often move things along quite quickly.


THE STRUGGLING - On the other end of the spectrum are folks who are struggling in many areas of their lives. Often nothing seems to really make a difference, even if they've sought help from many avenues. It can turn into crisis after crisis, which is exhausting and defeating. 


Now, the first thing to understand is that this is no one's fault! 


Rather, it simply shows that the basic skills of emotional regulation and a growth mindset are missing. And the great news is that these are simply SKILLS, which mean we can all learn them. 


And because everyone must master these basics to be successful, they are simply a stepping stone on one's path to stability and happiness. On top of that, we usually need to clean up old unconscious belief structures that keep groundhog day repeating itself over and over.


The tools I use are a wonderful combination of inside and outside the box strategies and interventions that shift these patterns once and for all.


THE IN-BETWEEN - The truth is, most of us fall somewhere in between those extremes. This is where my ability to delve deeply beneath the surface can unveil hidden obstacles just waiting to be addressed. All while I simultaneously teach you the basics you need to know to thrive.


Check out my testimonials to see the variety of people who've benefited from our work together. I'd love you to join them!

Want to 

Test the Waters?

Really, there's nothing like getting on the phone and chatting for 30 minutes to get a feel for me...


.... who I am and what I do.


So please take me up on a free 30 minute call.


Tell me what you want to work on, and

I'll explain how I'd approach it.


I guarantee you'll walk away with insights and actions you can apply right away.

My Experience


This is not going to be your average coaching/counseling experience.


Let me explain way:


I'm funny, super smart, down to earth, and adventurous.


I lived #vanlife long before hashtags existed and was an endangered species biologist - think wolves and owls - in my 20s.


I can claim 115 sky dives, rappelling from helicopters into forest fires, 3 knitted sweaters, and a year long road trip through Central America among my lifetime accomplishments.


But that's not all - I've been in life's trenches.


I had a husband die when I was 28. Honestly, it was pretty brutal - I'll spare you the details but it wasn't a Hallmark movie. I learned and grieved and healed though, creating a wonderful new life.


I got sick with a chronic illness that took me out for 9 years, making it almost impossible to work. I'm now 90% better and still on the path,

making peace with this journey along the way. 


I even designed a lauded xeriscape garden and

created a skin care line while I was too sick to work much -

how's that for determination? 


My secret is using the very same tools I will teach you.


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The Essence



I know how to problem solve. I do it myself.


I know how to get things done. I do it myself.


I know life isn't meant to be perfect, and that

striving for that  is a set up for failure.


Life is gritty, dirty, passionate and fun. 


That's how I know to live. 


And it's how I help others find what makes them tick,

so they can get out of their own way.


It's really quite simple. Simple, but not easy.


Still, it's worth doing, don't you think?


You in?


the world needs YOU!

Hummingbird Laughs Free

PO Box 2100

Hailey, ID 83333

Tel: 208.720.7325

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